Introducing The Rickmansworth Community Garden
We’re excited to announce the launch of the brand new Community Garden in the heart of Rickmansworth!
The garden is located in a small part of the existing Community Orchard, which can be found behind the Rose Garden, close to Three Rivers House in central Rickmansworth.
We have started planting a range of fruits, vegetables, companion flowers and herbs in raised beds.
How Was The Garden Built?
The garden was constructed by local volunteers who worked extremely hard in very hot conditions. Special thanks go to the Woodoaks Farm volunteers, who transported tonnes of compost from the farm for use in the garden.
We are extremely grateful for the support of Three Rivers District Council, Batchworth Community Council and The Chiltern Society, in association with Thames Water and the River Chess Smarter Water Catchment Initiative. We are also very grateful to Councillor Paula Hiscocks for her generous donation from her locality fund.
A Climate Resilient Garden
One of our key aims in constructing the garden has been to create a garden which can still thrive as the climate changes.
Key to this has been to ensuring that our water usage in the garden is as sustainable as possible. To this end we have:
Added Biochar to the raised beds. Biochar has remarkable water retention and soil regeneration properties.
Added organic water retaining gel to the compost. This remarkable product holds up to 400 times its physical weight in water.
Planned to install a water butt when a suitable location to be found.
Started planting with plants which cope well with less water and very hot weather, such as Mediterranean herbs.
What Are The Benefits Of Community Gardens?
Community Gardens offer many benefits to local residents, including opportunities to:
Meet other people and have fun
Share family time outdoors
Get fitter and healthier through physical activity
Relieve stress and improve wellbeing by being in nature
Help care for local wildlife and boost biodiversity
Grow local food
Learn more about being climate resilient
There will be plenty of opportunities to get involved
How Can I Get Involved?
We would welcome donations of plants, seeds and peat-free compost too.
If you’d like to help, or simply find out more, please email Please indicate whether you’d like to get involved with the planning or simply want to get your hands dirty!
Alternatively, complete the form below and we will get in touch.